“Thinking against the Mainstream” Prize, 16th Edition And “Endangered Species Special” Prize, 7th Edition Official Announcement
Cuban Ministry of Culture, Cuban Book Institute and Humankind Defense Network, along with Nuevo Milenio Publishing House ANNOUNCE the 16th edition of “Thinking against the Mainstream” Prize, and 7th of the Special Prize “Endangered Species”. The announcement´s main goals are to recognize and to promote critic thinking on the most crucial difficulties and challenges to contemporary world from a wide anticolonial and antimperialistic perspective; and to contribute to articulate a legal, economic, and political emancipating theory engaged to crucial issues on environment; as well as engagement against capitalistic hegemonic model devastating effects on material and spiritual life.
Heartening thinking against core countries hegemonic reproduction of social and intellectual domination aimed at silencing-marginalizing emancipating thinking as alternative answer to vast challenges faced by environmental devastation imposed on humankind, “Thinking against the Mainstream” and “Endangered Species” kindles analysis and active proposals in Social Sciences, Culture, and Science and Technology. The contest encourages multiple points of views and diverse approaches confronting hegemonic thought systems in the new geopolitical international arena.
In this occasion, we commemorate the 60th Anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution, and historical event that constitutes a universal paradigm of struggle and resistance against the imperialism, and an example of compromise with the more just ideas of the left in all the continents.
- Authors of all over the world may submit an unpublished essay on Spanish, Portuguese, English, or French, or a translation of the essay on any of these languages. The essay must not have obtained previous awards at other contests and must not be under option of publication elsewhere.
- Essays´ extension should be between 20 and 40 pages, each page up to 1 800 characters (30 lines of 60 characters each), and an admissible extension between 36 000 to 72 000 characters.
- References and bibliography should be completely cited and thoroughly ordered.
- No more than one paper by author would be accepted.
- Essays must be submitted before October 31/2018 by e-mail, as an attachment, in any word-processing document-compatible extension —rather .rtf or .doc, opened-soft-format files, such as .odt, will also be accepted); only a single copy and a single massage fully identified by the author´s name and last(s) name(s), age, ID-number, and/or current address and country; besides a short resume (curriculum vitae). Essays should be sent to contracorriente@cubarte.cult.cu. Authors will receive e-mails confirmation as participant’s notification certifying they are part of the contest.
- A prestigious international jury will analyze each essay. The jury will not have previous knowledge about authors or countries.
- The prize will consist of diploma and €1 000 (Euro) (conversion to CUC if the winner is Cuban) for the first place.
- The jury will award similar acknowledgement and material price to the winner of Special Prize “Endangered Species” in its 7th edition. The winner will be the essay on better approach to dangers and consequences of ecological crisis generated by capitalist production system, and to the paper with better analysis and realistic proposals for anti-capitalistic development in harmony with natural environment.
- The jury will award up to ten (10) mentions comprising both “Thinking against the Mainstream” Prize and Special Prize “Endangered Species”, without monetary retribution.
- Our publishing house will publish the awarded works, and the mentions, in printed and e-book formats. Cuban Book Institute will exercise its rights over the first printing of participants´ essays a year after the Official Announcement´s closure, without any retribution whatsoever over authors´ rights.
- Jury´s decision is unappealable and it will be announced in Havana in February, 2019 in a ceremony especially organized to this end during the 28th International Book Fair in Havana, Cuba which will take place on February 7 to 17, 2019.ç
- Context participation means acceptance of its rules.
“Thinking against the Mainstream” Prize Office.
Nuevo Milenio Publishing House.